General Resources
In addition to in-person workshops and training events, the Colorado Stormwater Center provides access to a number of resources to help stormwater managers with design, construction and inspection of Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs). Below you will find more information, including several checklists and field guides which are available for download free of charge.
We have also partnered with Wright Water Engineers to develop a series of SCM design video tutorials – make sure to visit our YouTube Channel to view the complete collection.
SCM Construction Inspection Checklists
Improper construction of permanent water quality SCMs can result in inadequate performance and expensive repair/maintenance costs. We have developed a series of checklists that can be used by construction inspectors, contractors and design engineers to ensure that BMPs are constructed properly the first time. Click the links below to download our checklists:
- EDB Construction Checklist
- Bioretention Construction Checklist
- Permeable Pavement Construction Checklist
Permanent Water Quality BMP Inspection and Maintenance Field Guide
We have developed a field guide for BMP Inspection and Maintenance to accompany our in-person training events. This field guide provides a “quick reference” for inspecting and maintaining permanent water quality BMPs using short narratives, bullet points and pictures that describe what problems to look for, where to look for those problems and how to fix those problems. This is a must have document for inspectors, maintenance personnel, property managers, landscape contractors etc. – it was even designed to fit in the glove box of a service vehicle!
Printed versions of the field guide are available for purchase for $12/each (discounts for large orders may be available). These are printed on weather- and tear-resistant paper to withstand the elements of field work. Please contact us for order and payment information. A free version of the field guide is also available to download:
Routine Extended Detention Basin Maintenance Video
Extended Detention Basins (EDBs) are the most common type of stormwater best management practice (BMP) in Colorado. We have developed this video as a quick reference to the most important EDB maintenance procedures that should be followed for EDBs to remain operating properly. Visit our YouTube Channel to view the complete collection of design tutorials.
Though informative, this video is not comprehensive and we encourage viewers to attend our two-day training and certification workshop, which provides much more information about maintenance of EDBs and other BMPs.
Permanent Water Quality BMP Design
Water quality BMPs are required in all new or re-development projects, the design process for these BMPs usually includes the calculation of the water quality capture volume or the 2-year peak flow rate. This video tutorial demonstrates calculation of the water quality capture volume. Visit our YouTube Channel to view the complete collection of design tutorials.
For more information on the design process of BMPs we encourage viewers to attend our two-day training and certification workshop, which provides much more information about the design of permanent water quality BMPs.
Colorado Rain Garden Guide

Rain gardens are a simple and inexpensive way for homeowner’s and businesses to do their part in protecting our lakes, rivers and streams from the negative impacts of stormwater. A rain garden is a landscaped area designed to capture runoff and reduce polluted runoff using natural filtration processes. Established with a variety of native and perennial plants, grasses and flowers; rain gardens can add color to the landscape and provide habitat for various types of wildlife.
To help promote the increased use of rain gardens on residential and other small properties, the Center has developed an easy-to-follow guide for designing and constructing rain gardens in Colorado.
Note: If you plan to (or have already) constructed a rain garden in Colorado, please let us know. The Center would like to keep track of rain garden projects in Colorado and encourage you to send us pictures and information about your project. You can contact us and we’ll send you an email to submit your pictures/information.
Learn more about Rain Gardens with the videos below!
For Homeowners/ Residential Properties:
Design Your Own Rain Garden (English)
For Landscapers/ HOA/ Commercial Properties:
How to Incorporate Rain Gardens into your next Water Wise Landscape Project (English)
Recursos españoles
Para propietarios de viviendas / propiedades residenciales:
Cómo construir un jardín de lluvia
Para paisajistas / HOA / Propiedades comerciales:
Cómo incorporar los jardines de lluvia en su próximo proyecto de paisajismo con control del agua
Contractor Outreach
Landscape contractors play an important role in BMP maintenance and are one of the Center’s target audience groups for stormwater education and training. The Center has produced a pamphlet that outlines the role that landscape contractors play in terms of BMP maintenance, the importance for receiving specialized training in this field and how the Center will be providing that training in the near future. We encourage MS4 BMP inspectors and others who have direct communication with landscape contractors to share this pamphlet with their local landscape contractors.
*Make sure to update your local contact information on the pamphlet prior to printing!