Rain Barrels

Rain water harvesting is a process by which precipitation can be collected or “harvested” on a property. This harvested rainwater, also known as “roof runoff”, can be used to irrigate lawns, landscaping, garden beds and indoor plants to decrease demand for local drinking water supplies. There are numerous benefits to collecting rainwater including:
- Reduced runoff pollution in urban waterways
- Reduced reliance on treated (drinking) water supplies
- Reduced erosion due to stormwater runoff
- Moisture control around building foundations
- Saves money (free water source!)
Below you will find regulatory information on the use of rain barrels in Colorado, resources for rain barrel construction, operation and maintenance, and links to video tutorials.
We have also added information on where to locally find the equipment needed to begin collecting rain water. A rain barrel system can come prefabricated or it can be constructed in a do-it-yourself fashion. The differences between these methods, as well as a break down of the do-it-yourself process can be accessed below.
Rainwater Harvesting Resources
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Want to host a workshop or develop a customized training event? Interested in learning more about our ongoing research activities? Contact the Colorado Stormwater Center to discuss more ways to get engaged!