Courses & Certifications

The Colorado Stormwater Center provides training opportunities throughout the year on a variety of Stormwater Control Measures (SCM) and processes.  Participants who complete the training and pass the qualifying exam will receive a certificate from Colorado State University Extension and are published on our website.

Our courses are designed for maintenance personnel and SCM inspectors, MS4 managers, contractors, property managers and anyone responsible for the construction, maintenance, inspection and/or management of stormwater.

If you are interested in arranging a training event, please contact us to discuss additional education and certification opportunities. You can review our current course offerings below or register for our online SCM Inspection and Maintenance course here.


Stormwater Training Courses

Get in Touch

Want to host a workshop or develop a customized training event? Interested in learning more about our ongoing research activities?  Contact the Colorado Stormwater Center to discuss more ways to get engaged!